You’ll Start to Reprogram Habits That are Holding You Back in Just 30 Days, So You Can Reap the Benefits WITHOUT Being Thrust Out of Your Busy Schedule and Without Following Unrealistic “Fad Diets
Yes! I'm ready To Get StartedLet’s Do This Together
Hi! I’m Andrea Maxim.
I have devoted over a decade to help women overcome physical blockers (gut & hormone health) leading to stubborn weight loss as a licensed naturopathic doctor.
When I consistently found that women would achieve 80% success and then old limiting beliefs and bad habits would creep back in, I knew I needed to create a program that bridges REWIRING THE UNCONSCIOUS blockers and tasks that keep flexing the NEW habits (like biceps curls… you can’t do it once and get jacked arms).
This 30-Day “Relax and Lose Weight” 30 day challenge is my way of making sure that you start to feel fully integrated success (physical and mental wellness).
You will no longer give up after 24-48hrs. I promise that so long as you’re committed to listening to the recordings daily (20min) plus doing the homework, then my team and I will show up for you 100%, with accountability, cheers and love.
When you’re stuck. When it’s uncomfortable. When you need that kick in the butt. We’re here. All you have to do is message us.
YES! Let's Do This!
You Want to Feel Absolutely and Completely
& Confident
Joining this 30 Day Weight Loss Hypnosis challenge is designed to expertly guide you through each week of Andrea’s smartly designed program. If you have 20min to sit on the couch or go for a walk, then that’s all you need to listen, download, and BEcome that version of yourself you’ve been longing for for month, and months, and months… if not years.
The unconscious mind is controlling the show. It runs 99.6% of your entire day. All day long. 24/7. And conventional weight loss programs don’t know just how POWERFUL the results can be if we work directly from the ROOT.
If we change the mind programs (limiting beliefs, negative self talk, avoidance, emotional eating), then you literally cannot run them anymore, and you’ll instantly see the results in your physical body.
The body just releases and let’s go of anything unwanted!
As soon as you enroll, you’ll get educated further on exactly when I’m talking about here and you can start RIGHT AWAY.

Is because your habits and patterns are running off the programs in your unconscious mind!
Change the Program, Change the Results!
So then I’m sure you’re wondering…
Why Will Hypnosis Work?
First, I bet as soon as you heard the word “hypnosis” you thought… Stage Show…. Movies…. Mind control.
Hypnotherapy is the single fastest tool that works on rewiring BEHAVIOURS at the unconscious level. It feels like meditation, and it works directly on GOALS.
What Exactly Is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a deep, relaxed, meditative-like state. In fact, you move in and out of hypnotic states all day long. Have you ever driven somewhere and you have no memory of exactly how you ended up at your destination? Have you ever watched a scary movie and got seriously afraid, despite being safe in your home? Have you ever listened to music and it instantly felt like dancing or felt like crying OR it instantly brought up a past memory? All of that is hypnosis!
In a more relaxed state, you can make extremely powerful changes in your life because it is the state in which you are the most receptive, creative and intuitive.
Hypnosis directly changes the movies you play in your mind, anchoring them in, and in doing so, changes the behaviour to promote wellness and REAL RESULTS… without a whole lot of effort.

It's Time!
Your Successful Weight Release Journey Starts NOW
Get started instantly by clicking this button.
Yes! Let's Do This!Program Overview

Getting Started + REAL Self Acceptance
- This week is all about setting you and your mind up for success
- I deep dive into just how Hypnosis works. How it accelerates your behaviour change
- Learn how to completely accept yourself, just as you are NOW and still want to make improvements
- If you can step into pure love and acceptance of yourself NOW, then any negative thought or belief about your body cannot co-exist! Two opposing emotions cannot be present at the same time.
- This sets you up for pure success for the remainder of the challenge and beyond!

Stop Emotional Eating/Boredom Eating
- Emotional or boredom eating is the most common pitfall that sabotages even the best of intentions
- Often, before we consciously even recognize the trigger, there’s already food in our mouth
- This week is all about rewiring your Intuitive Eating. That’s eating when it’s right for you, in that moment, with control.
- Through your unconscious mind, you’ll reconnect with eating in a positive, nourishing way only.
- By the end of this week you’ll distinctly know when you’re hungry, when you need to eat, and when you don’t. And when you don’t, you just won’t.

Training Your Brain Into Pure Motivation
- This week will rewire you to LOVE using up your time to benefit you… be that movement, exercise, a hobby, etc.
- Procrastination and avoidance is simply run by the lower ego. To keep you safe and comfortable.
- Your unconscious mind wants you to be brilliant! Accomplished! And in your Joy! And that’s what this week is about

Revving Up Your Metabolism Daily
- This week is extra special, and something I’ve never seen another program deliver
- This week is about you literally impacting your physiology with your mind. Visualizing, through hypnosis, cranking up the heat on your metabolism, so you become a calorie burning machine (...in a healthy way of course!)
- This final week is really the last step in you getting everything you want out of your body and seeing the results far beyond this challenge
Fall in LOVE with Your Body and Finally Feel Divine Confidence. All Day, Every Day
After you’ve completed this 30 Day Weight Loss Hypnosis Challenge, you’ll have the right mental patterns in place to make your own intuitively helpful decisions around habits and eating. Automatically your unconscious mind will know exactly what to do in those small “in the moment” moments, instead of operating from a place of insecurity and self-judgment.
Imagine having the mental power to take control of those urges to overeat or binge eat late at night… stemming from emotional triggers or simple boredom.
Using the power of hypnosis, in this way, the way this 30 Day Challenge is designed is within your grasp right now.
Wouldn’t it be nice to stop jumping on the next “big fad diet” trend. The next starvation program. The next completely-thrust-me-out-of-my-routine protocol. And do something THIS easy. THIS effortless and YES! Get insane results in a way you’ve never achieved… otherwise you wouldn’t be looking for more solutions.
If we could “hate” ourselves into a smaller pant size… then none of us would need to lose weight.
The recipe of 80% diet + 20% exercise still applies to all things “getting healthier” because you live in a physical body. The physical body NEEDS nutrients and it NEEDS to move and be used.
When it comes to weight release, for most women it’s just not enough.
The Weight Loss Rollercoaster is REAL
And the realness comes from the inner dialogue that’s running 24/7. While we’re awake. While we sleep. That negative self-talk is mean. It’s cruel. And it’s totally out of our awareness of how to stop it…. Because it’s not happening consciously… it’s running in your UNconcious mind.
So wouldn’t it make sense that if we turn that off and rewire the unconscious programming, then we wouldn’t be able to run that inner dialogue anymore?
AND that’s exactly why Hypnosis is so Powerful
If you can commit to everything I ask of you for the next 30 days.
While still doing “all of the things” for everyone else
If you can commit to finally turning inward and putting yourself first for the next 30 days…
… my promise is that you will not only upgrade your unconscious limiting beliefs about self-love, food and motivation… you will upgrade your limiting beliefs about yourself
YES! Let's Do This!
But wait... How Much Time Will This Take?
I know how busy you are. How many things you have on your plate. So I designed this challenge so you will experience the maximum benefit with the least amount of effort.
If you can commit to carving out 20-30 min per day… literally doing next to nothing (even sleeping!) then you will be successful in the next 30 days.
You’re Ready. You Deserve It.
Take the Next Step and Enroll in the 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge
I'm Ready! Sign me up >>